The registration period opens for enrollment in the Ornithology course monitor (module ornithological tourism) which will take place between days 20 al 31 of May, from 18 to 21 h., on the premises of the CIFP Almazan (Forest Foremen School Almazan (Soria)). The course is free and is part of the development program of the Ornithological Tourism Program of the ricotí LIFE (LIFE15 NAT / ES / 000802) project and responsible partner which is the Diputación Provincial de Soria.
The training content is divided into a theoretical part 30 h. and a practical module 28 h.La theoretical part is the following 10 modules:
- Soria habitats and ecosystems of the South. Introduction to Birds.
- Acuatic birds.
- Birds Raptors.
- Steppe birds.
- The Dupont's lark.
- Identification keys. Songs.
- Good practices, ethical and legal aspect. Niche market and target.
- Introduction to photography techniques.
- Scene, preparing hydes and hiding.
The practical sessions will consist of field trips in different ecosystems that allow observe and identify birds known in the theoretical sessions. landscapes of southern Soria will be visited as the Embalse de Monteagudo de las Vicarías, Cañón de Lumías, Moorlands Layna and Villaseca, among others. Finally it closed with two sessions devoted to photography.
The course will be taught by D. Juan Luis Hernández, D. Luis Eduardo Molina and D. Javier Alonso,
Information and registration
650 – 91 87 61