
The moors of southern province of Soria is one of the most unique landscapes and representative environments. Treeless plains occupy large, forming a mosaic plant alternating with farmland.

The typical steppe vegetation is formed by thornbushes aspect padding as aulaga merina (Genista rigidissima) the erizon (Erinacea anthyllis) or ajedrea (Satureja intricata) and small holm oak forests (Quercus ilex) and oak (Quercus faginea) appearing refugees in ravines and slopes.

Some of the most representative species of birds that can be observed Golden Eagle, Griffon vulture, Montagu's harrier, Hen harrier, Common kestrel, Red-legged partridge, Stone-curlew, Black-bellied sandgrouse, Stock dove, Eurasian eagle owl, Little owl, Hoopoe, Dupont's lark, Greater short-toed lark, Calandra lark, Wood lark, Thekla Lark, Black-eared wheatear, Rufous-tailed rock thrush, Subalpine warbler, Spotted flycatcher, Dotterel or Red-backed shrike, among other.



Route 6

Badlands of La Perera – Madruédano

To visit

Route 8

Badlands of Rello – La Hoceca

To visit

Route 10

Upper Bordecorex valley

To visit

Route 11

Arbujuelo valley

To visit

Route 13

Villaseca plain

To visit


Bird watching Soria, It is coordinated by the Department of Development and Tourism of the project Excma. Diputación. Provincial de Soria.


Ricotí Skylark conservation and habitat in Soria (Spain). LIFE15 NAT / ES / 000802

Project funded by the European Union.

© Bird watching Soria - 2024

With elprincipiokiss